October, 2013, page 2

Day to Day Travel Diary, October, 2013, page 2

We have rented a little place about half-way between Cazals and Gindou. Cazals is really a wonderful place! Rural villages in France are sort of rated in a system called “Les Villages Fleuris:, which means “Flowered Villages”. This is described in Wikipedia at “Villages Fleuris” (click) — oh, you may want it in English, which is at xxx.

Cazals has “four flowers”, which is as high as you can get, meaning it is a very cute and picturesque town.  Every Sunday morning, it has an open air market, or “marché”.  Many towns have markets, as you can see in our page on “Street Markets in France“.  Cazals has three boulangeries that I know of, maybe more, two street cafes, and other basic highlights that make it characteristically French.



Click for October, 2013, page 3.

Posted October 26, 2013 by JB Leep (Google Profile)

Daily Diary in France, French Visa, Cazals, Gindou, France, Carol Martin and JB Leep, October 26, 2013